Summary: On Saturday 26th at 10:08 one of mail servers started experiencing issues with sending emails – bouncing them. Issue was resolved on Sunday 27th at 23:32. We’re keeping an eye on the server to fix issues with mail flow.

Summary: On Saturday 26th at 10:08 one of mail servers started experiencing issues with sending emails – bouncing them. Issue was resolved on Sunday 27th at 23:32. We’re keeping an eye on the server to fix issues with mail flow.
Summary: On Thursday 24/6 between 10:00am and 12pm our DNS Manager will undergo essential works. It will not be accessible to customers for the duration of the upgrade. What: In order to facilitate the move of DNS manager between servers, operating systems and updated php versions we need to take it down for a 2 […]
Previous information posted earlier was incorrect, please see updated information: There was UPS maintenance on Wednesday and it developed a fault during the maintenance. This was supposed to be non-disruptive maintenance and indeed there was no issues or outages. However this morning during further works engineers from our management company were attempting to bring the […]
Starting from tonight and over the next two weeks we will be rebooting a number of shared hosting servers on a rolling basis, as part of a general maintenance process and to install updates. This will happen in the early hours of the morning (between 04:00 and 06:00 a.m.) and we expect it to be […]