We will bring the node offline to facilitate memory upgrade expected downtime is approximately 15 minutes.

We will bring the node offline to facilitate memory upgrade expected downtime is approximately 15 minutes.
The server pemvzmps142 hung and required a reboot. Services should now be back as expected.
We are currently experiencing a network-related outage that is affecting almost all services. It is our highest priority right now and we hope to have it resolved as soon as possible. We will update this post as soon as we have more information. Update: 13:15: We’re continuing to work towards a resolution. Unfortunately we […]
The shared hosting server pemvzmps146, containing pemlinweb156, pemlinweb157 and pemlinweb158 have been taken offline to perform essential maintenance. This downtime is expected to last approx 20-25 minutes. Update 15:30: The servers are coming back online at present but are still seeing some issues. Engineers continue to work on the issue. Update Thursday 08:30: The servers […]