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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

Network Maintenance – CIX

We are scheduling the following maintenance windows to replace two core routers in CIX, Cork. This maintenance will impact connectivity to a number of services for the duration. Date: 2024-05-21 23:00 – 2024-05-22 03:00 IST (UTC+1) Date: 2024-05-22 23:00 – 2024-05-23 03:00 IST (UTC+1) Data Centre: CIX Impact: Siro Cork

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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

Network Maintenance – BT Citywest

We are scheduling a maintenance window to replace a line card in a core router in BT Citywest. This maintenance window will impact connectivity to a number of services for the duration. Services in BT Citywest should be considered at risk during this maintenance window. Customers may experience brief periods of packet loss and increased […]

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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

Anycast dns provider change

Summary: The AnyCast dns provider that we’ve been using for the last few years was acquired last year and the new company decided to end of life the service. With that in mind we’ve been working on replacing them for some time and we’re finally ready to make the switch. What: We have synchronised all […]

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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

Network Maintenance – BT Citywest

We are scheduling a maintenance window to replace a line card in a core router in BT Citywest. This maintenance window will impact connectivity to a number of services for the duration. Services in BT Citywest should be considered at risk during this maintenance window. Customers may experience brief periods of packet loss and increased […]

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