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Archive | Email

Blacknight Hosting Network Status emergency maintenance

The webmail interface at is having issues at the moment and has been temporarily taken offline.  We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. This will not affect anyone accessing their emails via a local email program such as Outlook or Mac Mail.   We will post an update here as soon […]

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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

Major outage affecting our network

We are currently experiencing a network-related outage that is affecting almost all services.  It is our highest priority right now and we hope to have it resolved as soon as possible.   We will update this post as soon as we have more information. Update: 13:15: We’re continuing to work towards a resolution. Unfortunately we […]

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Scheduled Maintenance

Preventative maintenance on shared mail cluster

Tomorrow (Friday) night 18/09/2015 at 22:00 we will be performing preventative maintenance on the shared Mail storage system in partnership with our storage vendor.  This is to install an update to the Nexenta platform. We are allowing 2 hours for the maintenance window which will begin at 22:00 but services should be back online within […]

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Email Spam

Global increase in spam

Over the last few months we have seen a steady increase in the amount of spam being sent to our mailservers, on multiple platforms.  In particular we have seen a large surge in the last few days. Although the basic spam-filter service that comes free with our shared hosting plans are blocking a large chunk […]

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