The following Linux servers will be rebooting tomorrow morning to migrate to new hardware between 8am-9am pemlinng001 pemlinng002 pemlinng003 pemlinng004 pemlinng005 pemlinng040 pemlinng041 pemlinng042 pemlinng052 pemlinng054 pemlinng055

The following Linux servers will be rebooting tomorrow morning to migrate to new hardware between 8am-9am pemlinng001 pemlinng002 pemlinng003 pemlinng004 pemlinng005 pemlinng040 pemlinng041 pemlinng042 pemlinng052 pemlinng054 pemlinng055
We are currently experiencing an outage with one of our shared webservers – pemlinng047. We hope to have service restored as soon as possible. You can check what server your website is hosted on here: 16:40 – All service has been restored now.
We have experienced an issue with customers accessing and also DNS resolution on This may impact Database connections on shared hosting websites. The issue has been identified and a resolution applied at 15:00 but it may take a little time for the connections to resolve.
We will be adding extra space to one of our shared linux webservers on Friday the 22nd of February at 8am. There could be up to 15-30 minutes downtime per server in order to add the space. You can see which server your website is on here: