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Archive | Domains

Blacknight Hosting Network Status

We will be performing emergency maintenance tonight on a node within our Domain registration platform

We will be performing emergency maintenance tonight 25.03.2025 at 21:00 , on our domain registration platform. There will be a brief outage whilst the node is rebooted and services impacted are as follows domain availability checks domain registrations domain updates and renewals the whois /RDAP services will be offline for the duration The expected outage […]

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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

Scheduled Maintenance on Internal Blacknight systems 12:00 -14:00 14/12/2022

Blacknight will be carrying out essential maintenance on our domain registration platform between 12:00 – 14:00 Irish time, on Wednesday 14th December 2022. This will impact the purchasing or updates of domains for a short period. The outage is expected to be no more than 20 minutes, but we are allowing a window of 2 […]

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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

.ie registration and transfer problem

Summary: Since 9am approximately on 22/12  (The Irish domain registry/IEDR) have been having issues with their registry backend. We are unable to submit new domain registrations or domain transfers as a result. They aren’t able to give us an ETA as of yet. But they have informed us that they’ve engaged their software vendor […]

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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

.irish gtld offline

Summary: The .irish gTLD was acquired late in 2016 and is moving to a new backend provider on the 1st of March. However it appears that the nameservers for the tld have been changed prematurely. The resulting knock on effect is that all domains that end in .irish do not resolve at the moment.   […]

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