Emergency reboot required for the following nodes: pemlinweb144 pemlinweb145 pemlinweb146 The hardware node that they’re on is having issues and a kernel update is required.

Emergency reboot required for the following nodes: pemlinweb144 pemlinweb145 pemlinweb146 The hardware node that they’re on is having issues and a kernel update is required.
Welcome to Blacknight.tech – our new offsite technical / service status site. As you can see we’ve upgraded from the long “blacknightstatus.com” to a shorter and simpler .tech domain name. As before we’ll be posting server and service maintenance notices, both scheduled and emergency. You can still subscribe to updates via your favourite RSS reader, email […]
The shared hosting server pemvzmps146, containing pemlinweb156, pemlinweb157 and pemlinweb158 have been taken offline to perform essential maintenance. This downtime is expected to last approx 20-25 minutes. Update 15:30: The servers are coming back online at present but are still seeing some issues. Engineers continue to work on the issue. Update Thursday 08:30: The servers […]
The Cloud control panel at https://cloud1.blacknight.com will be offline from 08:30 Monday the 6th of July until approximately 11:00 to allow for a migration to new hardware. The control panel will be offline for the duration of the window which means that there will be no access to VM console, however virtual machines will not […]