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Author Archive | Tony Doherty

Blacknight Hosting Network Status

Scheduled maintenance on Shared Hosting servers -Wed 06:00 – 07:00 13.05.2020

We will be performing some essential maintenance from 06:00 A.M Wednesday 13.05.2020 on a portion of the network which will impact shared hosting services only. We will be migrating services from shared hosting VLANs , which will cause a brief outage whilst the network re-converges. Shared hosting websites and access to shared hosting databases will […]

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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

Business Continuity Test Friday 13th March

We will be performing a business continuity exercise next  Friday, where all Blacknight staff will be working from home. We have performed this exercise previously during extreme weather conditions and services continued as normal then, so we expect no significant disruption to our business. Our service , sales and accounts teams can be contacted as […]

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Blacknight Hosting Network Status

Scheduled Maintenance on Hosted Exchange environment 10th March @ 22:00

We are scheduling a maintenance window for Tuesday 10th March 22:00  – 23:00 ,  to upgrade the current legacy NLB load-balancer configuration  on the Hosted Exchange platform to a more current configuration. Service impact : There will be a brief outage for all customers using the Hosted Exchange platform during the window. Off365 customers will […]

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