On December 8th at 10:30pm, we will continue the process of migrating services on pemmysql02.blacknight.com to a new operating system. We expect MySQL services on this server to be down for approx 1-2 hours.

On December 8th at 10:30pm, we will continue the process of migrating services on pemmysql02.blacknight.com to a new operating system. We expect MySQL services on this server to be down for approx 1-2 hours.
On December 7th at 10:30pm, we will begin the process of migrating services on pemmysql02.blacknight.com to a new operating system. We expect MySQL services on this server to be down for approx 60-90 minutes.
The server pemvzmps131 is currently non-responsive. An engineer has been dispatched to investigate. We will update this post as we have any further information. Update @ 09:40: The server has been rebooted and is now back up. Performance may be slightly affected for the morning while the raid rebuilds.
The server pemvzmps142 hung and required a reboot. Services should now be back as expected.